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  • 5 Steps To Becoming A Digital Nomad

    5 Steps To Becoming A Digital Nomad

    In the last decade, our working world has changed entirely. Whereas once a generous office space was the hive of professional brainstorming and project management, our tech has taken us in a new direction, unbolting the need of being in the same room for great things to be accomplished.

    It’s possible for contractors and freelancers to make a living without ever sharing physical space with their clients. At Skwish HQ, we’ve drawn up a 5-step process to embracing the nomadic lifestyle, getting you working on top form wherever you are:

    1. Invest in mobile wi-fi

    Despite our best efforts, there are still some signal blackspots in the UK, with plenty more beyond. 3G and 4G connections aren’t a bankable reliability, so it’s well worth investing in a portable wi-fi device. A dongle means that a coffee shop hotspot isn’t your only source of salvation when working on the go.

    2. Change up your routine

    We’re creatures of habit, but habits aren’t always good for us. Freelancers have the scope to work wherever they like, so long as they get the job done on time. Many people find a scenery shakeup cathartic, making them more alert over the course of the day. Plan your schedule out so you’re ensconced somewhere different, at the very least, before and after a lunch break.

    3. Guard against zero power

    Your best efforts can be undone in an instance if your device runs out of juice before you hit the final ‘save’ button. A host of working mishaps occur because a computer shuts down unexpectedly as our eyes wander from the charging gauge. Buy a portable piece of power-up kit to keep your tablet and laptop running through the day. Some are small enough to be mistaken for lipstick, so they’re refreshingly easy to carry.

    4. Use cloud storage

    Criss-crossing emails aren’t ideal for delivering your assignments. Nor are they a joy to look through, trying to assess what the latest version of a brief or file is. A cloud storage solution, linked to your project managers, enables all of you to access the right work when it’s needed. Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive are some of the best picks for smooth sharing.

    5. Explore free online project management

    Freelancers have a higher chance of performing well if they’re made to feel in control, with everything they require at their fingertips. We developed Skwish for this very purpose: finally, there’s a free task management platform that collates every comment, suggestion and designated job in one digital framework.

    Skwish allows clients and project managers to be clued up on the delivery of their assignments. Any freelancer on the site can see what online approvals have been given, and any work that’s coming up over the week.

    Our features speak for themselves really, motivating a professional culture that seems to be getting more fluid, more open to experimentation with each passing year. What are you waiting for? Try Skwish and other suggestions on this page, to become a digital nomad for good.